Friday, March 6, 2009

Things I did NOT do in February...

I had glorious plans to write faithfully on this blog in February... That didn't happen. Was it laziness? Bad parenting? We will never know as I can't remember why other than to look back at my calendar and be amazed that we fit everything in... So instead I will post things we did NOT do.

I did NOT have to make 6 trips just to load all of my 4 boys, plus the bonus baby, backpacks, diaper bags, purse, and household belongings on 2 separate rainy morning this month. This did NOT take my over 20 minutes and I was NOT soaked from head to toe.

I did NOT celebrate the 1st birthday of my sweet baby Caden Lane on February 8th. We did NOT strip him down to his diaper and did NOT smash cake all over his chubby little face. I have NOT purposefully encouraged him NOT to walk as this would be bad parenting to stunt my child's development and he is just to darn cute crawling.

I did NOT spend a fun Valentine's Day with my sweet hubby on a date and he did NOT give me a gift certificate to go to a spa for a facial. That would be a total waste of money and we are extremely practical and would NOT ever spend money on such a thing.

I did NOT sign up to bring ice cream to Myles preschool party and on said day have to drag Caden, Myles and Andrew to Walmart in the freezing cold and proceed to by ice cream cones instead. I did NOT plead Mommy brain when I arrived and realized my error. I would NEVER be so irresponsible because I am a perfect Mommy.

I did NOT take my children to the post office to apply for a passport. After waiting for over an hour with at least another hour to go, I did NOT search for a public restroom as my bladder was about to burst due to my NON-addiction to diet coke. After realizing the post office does NOT have a restroom available to the public, I did NOT take my kids back to the van, make them sit in the front, crawl to the back of the van and proceed to relieve myself into a diaper. That is GROSS, disgusting and horribly bad parenting and I would NEVER do such a thing. I DID however keep my spot in line and we now have passports. :)

I did NOT get so behind in my laundry that my kids were forced to wear socks more than once and definitely did NOT make them wear underwear that was totally to big or to small because it was clean. I am NEVER behind in my laundry, my house is ALWAYS clean, and that is just wrong.

I did NOT strap my fussy baby in to his carseat, turn on his EeeBee movie and get into the carpool line almost 30 minutes early just for some peace and quiet and spend time reading a book. I would never entertain my children with useless TV. We spend our days learning long division, Sudoku, and foreign languages.

I did NOT allow my baby to play for and extended amount of time in the tub as I sat checking my email on the laptop in the bathroom with him and only eventually notice that he was playing with POOP Playdoh. My babies are perfect and would NEVER poop in the tub and most certainly would NOT proceed to squish it into a million pieces.

Anyhow, since NONE of the above actually happened, February must have been so boring that I couldn't think of anything to write about and I just skipped it. Here's to hoping March is as good as February...

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