Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bragging Rights...

Not that this matters, has any major importance AT ALL or will affect their future in anyway, what kind of men they become, how they treat other people or if they even grow taller, but TWO of my boys are now in gifted. I know this will come across as bragging, but I am just so darn proud of them. Cale is wicked smart and school was a piece of cake for him. For me on the other hand, well lets just say that sometimes when Mason does his 1st grade math homework, I have been known for saying "Mason, I think this one is wrong," at which he then explains to me how he is actually right. I hate it that my 6 year old knows more than me... Anyhow, Mason was recommended last year in K5 and finally went through all of the testing this year and has now been going for about a 6 weeks. They have K5 - 3rd grade in the same class together, just at different tables. He gets to go all day every Tuesday which means he gets out of regular class, gets to eat lunch at the "special" table and gets out of all of his normal class work for that day. He gets to do super fun stuff like Mind Benders, making snow, field trips to the Art Museum, Sudoku, and I'm sure really high tech stuff like Quantum Physics, Calculus and Underwater Basket Weaving. Well, anyhow, Caleb was recommended back in first grade, went through all of the testing and then we moved. He was recommended again last year in 2nd grade and finally got tested now in the third grade. I just got a call from the guidance counselor (which by the way is the same guidance counselor from back when I went to the same school and did I also mention Caleb has the same teacher that Johnny and I both had) to schedule his meeting which means he got in. I know, no big deal. We have really played this down as he is super sensitive and didn't want him to get his feelings hurt if he didn't make it, knowing Mason did. Even though I know disappointment is a really important life skill. I think he would be fine either way, but I'm not sure I would. We spend so much time teaching them to share, making things even, spreading the love around 4 ways and sometimes in life it won't be. One will make the team and the other one won't even be able to catch the ball. One might be freaky smart like Cale and the other one, well lets just say "SHE tries really hard." One might get taller and the others may look just like their parents. :) For one to win anther must lose. So at least for today everyone wins.

Did I mention that they will now be in same class every Tuesday? Together? The whole day?

That should be very interesting...

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