Monday, April 20, 2009

No rest for the weary...

I really want to put into words how our hearts have been broken for the people in Guatemala but I have not been able to sit down and do it the justice it deserves. Isn't it funny how we can step away for 8 days and leave the responsibilities of this life behind and the minute we arrive back home (literally) we have to jump right back in... We have been home for 2 weeks and it has been non-stop since. Dentist, Orthodontist 3 times, ENT for consult, Physical, stomach virus X 4 kids... I am tired thinking about it... Basically the long and short of it are that Caleb will be having his adenoids and tonsils out on May1st and will be having a palatal expander put in his upper jaw that he gets to sport for the next 12 - 15 months. Fun times...

Update: We had the palate expander put in this morning. I guess I didn't realize he would drool so much and how his speech would be affected. They said it will get better and I sure hope so for his sake. Kids can be so mean... Afterwards I took him to eat a Krystal burger as I figured that was really soft and that was a bad idea. Everything is getting stuck in it... So we settled for a milkshake much to his delight and sent him off to school doped up on Motrin. They said it will be pretty painful for a few weeks and that we could take a break from turning the key for a week or two during/after his surgery as his mouth is going to be sore enough. We have to turn the "key" every other day until the doctor tells us it is enough. Basically it will just split the suture in his upper jaw which should help with his teeth/jaw issues and widen his palate. Braces are still years down the road, so this kid will have a car payment in his mouth for the undetermined future.

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